Team Wheel Coaching

Turn a Group of Individuals Into a Team

The hardest skills in business (and life) are working with other people because everyone has different beliefs and a different view of how work should be done. No two individuals in a team have the same personality.

For this reason, it helps to use assessment tools to allow team members to understand each other’s work preferences.

WRC can help you develop high-performing teams. Most likely, you are overwhelmed by one or more of the following team building challenges:

  • With how to build a team filled with unique skill sets and diverse personalities

  • How to avoid personality conflicts and dynamics that can interfere with productivity

  • How to balance teams who have formed recently and teams that have worked together for long periods

We give you Clarity:
  • How each individual member likes to operate

  • How to build better relationships and understand the root cause of conflict

  • What it takes to make a good team, great

Why would I need a Team Wheel?
  • To resolve conflicts among team members

  • To create synergy within your organization

  • To open the door to enhanced and stream line communication

  • To maximize effectiveness from the top down

  • To help direct reports understand you and for you to understand them

  • To cut down on turnover 

“People first, strategy & everything else second.”  – Jack Welsh

What are Team Reports?

Does your team have poor department performance? Has there been a change in leadership? Use a Team Report to start a conversation.

Whenever you require multiple individuals to work towards a common goal, there is a potential for conflict. Even if the group has worked well in the past, a change in the team can cause performance changes. A team report can help identify where the conflict may originate from, and conversations can be started on how to address them. Client benefits of the Enhanced Behavioral Team Report.

  • Effectively tap diverse work styles and perspectives

  • Recognize the profound differences between people

  • Manage the behavioral gaps and tensions within an organization

  • Identify ways to find and realize the best idea

  • Identify the behavioral gaps in the organization

  • Assist executives with reorganizations

  • Understanding the diversity of a team

DISC Wheel

This tool measures 4 core behavioral characteristics.

DISC is one of the world’s most popular team building tools. The DISC assessment uncovers individuals’ behavioral style, known as the “how,” by analyzing natural and adapted behavioral factors. The most productive teams understand how each individual member likes to operate, how they prefer to be communicated to as well as what pushes their buttons.

Your DISC Team Report gives you this language. Having a set of terms to discuss behavioral differences can help a team understand the inherent strengths and potential areas for conflict that commonly arise in group situations.


This tool measures the 12 Driving Forces.

A key component of trust between two individuals is the alignment and awareness of drivers. The 12 Driving Forces assessment uncovers a person’s “why” by analyzing specific areas of drivers a person possesses.

There are six primary drivers that determine the lens through which we view the world and shape our view of what ideas, experiences and people we will tend to favor or avoid.

By understanding others’ primary drivers – especially in a team environment – we are able to not only build better relationships, but understand the root cause of conflict.

DISC Wheel

  • Individual participant assessment
  • Team Profile of all members
  • LEARN platform to prepare the team before the Team Wheel Call
  • Course materials, video & bonus materials
  • Team wheel call is 2 hours via internet & includes all participants
  • Pre & Post call with the leader of the team for more insights 
  • Minimum 5 members: $400 per member
  • 6 to 10 members: $375 per member 
  • 11 to 15 members: $350 per member 
  • 16 to 20 members: $325 per member 
  • 21 to 25 members (maximum): $300 per member 

Motivators Wheel

  • Individual participant assessment
  • Team Profile of all members
  • LEARN platform to prepare the team before the Team Wheel Call
  • Course materials, video & bonus materials
  • Team wheel call is 2 hours via internet & includes all participants
  • Pre & Post call with the leader of the team for more insights 
  • Minimum 5 members: $400 per member
  • 6 to 10 members: $375 per member 
  • 11 to 15 members: $350 per member 
  • 16 to 20 members: $325 per member 
  • 21 to 25 members (maximum): $300 per member 

DISC & Motivators Wheel

  • Individual participant assessment
  • Team Profile of all members
  • LEARN platform to prepare the team before the Team Wheel Call
  • Course materials, video & bonus materials
  • Team wheel call is 3 hours via internet & includes all participants
  • Pre & Post call with the leader of the team for more insights 
  • Minimum 5 members: $500 per member
  • 6 to 10 members: $475 per member 
  • 11 to 15 members: $450 per member 
  • 16 to 20 members: $425 per member 
  • 21 to 25 members (maximum): $400 per member 

Team Report

Team Characteristics  Defines the makeup of your
organization by Driving Forces segment and shares
the primary cluster graphs of individuals on your team.

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