DISC Assessments

The DISC profile is a powerful tool that allows us to understand how we and others communicate and get the job done. When talking to, interacting with, or observing others, we can pick up clues as to their behavioral style, as DISC is observable. Communication significantly improves when we can recognize and adjust our message and method of communication to suit the other person’s style

By using the DISC behavioral assessment, people can tap into a deeper realization of who they are. They will gain powerful insight into HOW they move into action to achieve success.
The theory behind the DISC instrument was developed by William Moulton Marston. In his work Marston observed that people are a combination of DISC. This training & certification program translates to all aspects of business and personal life. This program can assist novices to seasoned professionals.

Application & validation of DISC is used for selection, development, more effective communication, team building & sales.

1 Science

Available Options:

  • DISC Behaviors
  • Motivating Factors
  • Career Interests
  • Change Readiness
  • Emotional-Social Intelligence

60 minutes debrief call is also available as an addon

2 Sciences

Available Options:

  • DISC Behaviors & Motivators

60 minutes debrief call is also available as an addon

3 Sciences

Available Options:

  • Customer Service Combo
  • Leadership Combo
  • WRC Healthcare Combo

60 minutes debrief call is also available as an addon

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